WebFronts Ashley API Integration

It's free and easy to use.

We are very excited to partner with Ashley Furniture to offer you a powerful integration with their API. Not only will this integration simplify the management of the Ashley catalog on your WebFront® – it's free, it's easy to use, and it delivers the most accurate product assortment for your shoppers.

Your WebFronts app or WebFronts tool will include:

✔ Precise Product Data

All Ashley Furniture, Millennium, Signature Design, Signature Millennium and Sleep products that you have access to order through your Ashley account.

✔ Your Pricing Information

Your unique pricing, including your Ashley unit cost, freight cost, discount amount and net price. You can use this data to set price formulas for all Ashley items on your WebFront® in just a few quick clicks.

Get Started with Ashley API

Just complete the form below and we'll get started with the integration process.

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This is typically a two to three digit number.

We will submit your request for Ashley to generate your API on a first come, first served basis, upon receiving your information collected through this form. Once Ashley has completed the setup of your API, we'll notify you with the good news and show you how to use it to automate Ashley product appearance and pricing (if you wish) on your site. It couldn't be easier!

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